The name of Marx

In his principal doctoral thesis, Gilles Deleuze wrote: “Philosophy […] must be wary of turning into the discourse of beautiful souls. But the name of Marx suffices to save it from this danger.” Difference and Repetition (1968, Eng. trans. 1994) At this moment in history, as the end of the first quarter-century of the new […]

Robert’s Rules

Introduction to Robert’s Rules — Video and Slideshow Floor Debate, Points of Order and Appeals (slideshow only) Types of Assemblies and Organized Societies (slideshow only) Types of Main Motions (slideshow only)

Dialectics and Spinoza

“Have you ever wondered why sociologists still study Marx if he was wrong?” (Erik Olin Wright, “Analytical Marxism”) This fragment grew into a series of YouTube videos: Rationalism and Socialism The time has come for socialists to reconsider Spinoza. As Macherey put it in his 1979 book Hegel or Spinoza, “the entire problem is that […]

Aujourd’hui 2022: How we might build back stronger

The following is a hasty transcription of a short (4:40) speech I gave this morning as an icebreaker to my Elementary Statistics class. The speech was inspired by, and is intended as a continuation of, discussions held at Perimeter College Faculty Development Day, 2022. Transcript

How to play Robert’s Rules

Robert’s Rules are a way to run meetings democratically. They work a lot like a turn-based RPG. This post is for Dunwoody SAGA. The attached slideshow (PDF) shows how to “play”—that is, how meeting attendees can bring about action and make themselves heard. Robert’s Rules are meant to protect five rights (screenshot from slideshow attached): […]

Workbook for Tannenbaum’s Excursions… (+ RL moore rant)

The linked PDF is a Workbook for a semester-long course using Tannenbaum’s Excursions in Modern Mathematics. I used them as lecture notes at Austin Community College. The general approach is that of “discovery learning”. I’m a recovering fan of the Moore method (see rant below). Topics: Voting theory/Arrow’s Theorem (1 chapter) Fair division (1 chapter) […]