Category Archives: Community

Robert’s Rules

Introduction to Robert’s Rules — Video and Slideshow Floor Debate, Points of Order and Appeals (slideshow only) Types of Assemblies and Organized Societies (slideshow only) Types of Main Motions (slideshow only)

How to play Robert’s Rules

Robert’s Rules are a way to run meetings democratically. They work a lot like a turn-based RPG. This post is for Dunwoody SAGA. The attached slideshow (PDF) shows how to “play”—that is, how meeting attendees can bring about action and make themselves heard. Robert’s Rules are meant to protect five rights (screenshot from slideshow attached): […]

Gender-neutral bathrooms and the right to bodily integrity

Below is an edited excerpt from a policy recommendation written by David M. Paule, Julie La Corte, and Ethan Trinh of Georgia State University’s PRISM Faculty Affinity Group. The paper was written in response to an incident in which a student was confronted for being in the “wrong” bathroom on Dunwoody Campus. The original 2021 document stated […]

Activism inspo (quote)

“If your soul is on fire to serve in a way that scares you to death. And you don’t feel worthy, ready, able. And the burning will not leave you alone. Congratulations. You have your calling.” —Jaiya John, Freedom: Medicine Words for Your Brave Revolution